Welcome Math 081 Students!

James Dressler


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Chapter One
Place Value
1.1 v01
Place Value
1.1 v02
Adding Whole Numbers
1.2 v01
Adding Whole Numbers
1.2 v02
Rounding and Estimation
1.3 v01
Rounding and Estimation
1.3 v02
Subtracting Whole Numbers
1.4 v01
Subtracting Whole Numbers
1.4 v02
Multiplying Whole Numbers
1.5 v01
Multiplying Whole Numbers
1.5 v02
Dividing Whole Numbers
1.6 v01
Dividing Whole Numbers
1.6 v02
Exponents and
Order of Operations
1.7 v01
Exponents and
Order of Operations
1.7 v02
Chapter Two
Writing Factions and
Fraction Names
2.1 v01
Writing Factions and
Fraction Names
2.1 v02
Understanding Mixed
Number Notation
2.2 v01
Understanding Mixed
Number Notation
2.2 v01
Simplifying Fractions
Using Prime Numbers
2.3 v01
Simplifying Fractions
Using Prime Numbers
2.3 v02
Fraction Multiplication
and Triangle Area
2.4 v01
Fraction Multiplication
and Triangle Area
2.4 v02
of Mixed Numbers
2.4 Part Two v01
of Mixed Numbers
2.4 Part Two v02
Division of Fractions
and Mixed Numbers
2.5 v01
Division of Fractions
and Mixed Numbers
2.5 v02
Chapter Three
Least Common Multiple
Lease Common Denominator Combining Factions
3.1 v01
Least Common Multiple
Lease Common Denominator Combining Factions
3.1 v02
Fraction Addition
and Subtraction
3.2 v01
Fraction Addition
and Subtraction
3.2 v02
Mixed Number
Addition and Subtraction
3.3 v01
Mixed Number
Addition and Subtraction
3.3 v02
Exponents and Order of Opertations With Fractions
3.4 v01
Exponents and Order of Opertations With Fractions
3.4 v02
Complex Fractions
3.5 v01
Complex Fractions
3.5 v02
Chapter Four
Decimal Notation
and Place Value
4.1 v01
Decimal Notation
and Place Value
4.1 v02
Decimal Addition
and Subtraction
4.2 v01
Decimal Addition
and Subtraction
4.2 v02
Decimal Multiplication
4.3 v01
Decimal Multiplication
4.3 v01
Decimal Division
4.4 v01
Decimal Division
4.4 v02
Decimals And Fractions
4.5 v01
Decimals And Fractions
4.5 v02
Square Roots &
Pythagorean Theorem
4.5 v01
Square Roots &
Pythagorean Theorem
4.5 v02
Chapter Ten (Signed Numbers)
10.1v01 10.1v02
10.2v01 10.2v02
10.3v01 10.3v02
10.3v01a 10.3v02a
10.4v01 10.4v02
10.5v01 10.5v02
Chapter Five (Ratios)
5.1v01 5.1v02
5.2v01 5.2v02
5.3v01 5.3v02
5.4v01 5.4v02
CHAPTER 6 (Percent)
6.1v01 6.1v02
6.2v01 6.2v02
6.3v01 6.3v02
CHAPTER 8 (Geometry)
8.1v01 8.1v02
8.2v01 8.2v02
8.3v01 8.3v02
CHAPTER 11 (Begining Algebra)
11.1v01 11.1v02
11.2v01 11.2v02
11.3v01 11.3v02
11.4v01 11.4v02
11.5v01 11.5v02
CHAPTER 7 (Conversions)
7.1v01 7.1v02
7.2v01 7.2v02
7.3v01 7.3v02
7.4v01 7.4v02
7.5v01 7.5v02

FALL 2017
Prime Factorization Sum Fractions with GCD

1.3v01 1.3v02
1.4v01 1.4v02
1.5v01 1.5v02
1.6v01 1.6v02
1.7v01 1.7v02
1.9v01 1.9v02
CHAPTER 3 (Fractions)
3.1v01 3.1v02
3.2v01 3.2v02
3.3v01 3.3v02
3.4v01 3.4v02
3.5v01 3.5v02
CHAPTER 4 (Decimals)
4.1v01 4.1v02
4.2v01 4.2v02
4.4v01 4.4v02
4.5v01 4.5v02
4.6v01 4.6v02
CHAPTER 5 (Ratios)
5.1v01 5.1v02
5.2v01 5.2v02
5.3v01 5.3v02
5.4v01 5.4v02
CHAPTER 6 (Percent)
6.1v01 6.1v02
6.2v01 6.2v02
6.3v01 6.3v02
6.4v01 6.5v01
CHAPTER 7 (Conversions)
7.1v01 7.1v02
7.2v01 7.2v02
CHAPTER 8 (Geometry)
8.3v01 8.3v02
8.4v01 8.4v02
8.5v01 8.5v02
CHAPTER 10 (Signed Num.)
10.1v01 10.1v02
10.2v01 10.2v02
10.3v01 10.3v02
10.3v01a 10.3v02a
10.4v01 10.4v02
10.5v01 10.5v02
CHAPTER 11 (Beg. Alg.)
11.1v01 11.1v02
11.2v01 11.2v02
11.3v01 11.3v02
11.4v01 11.4v02
11.5v01 11.5v02